Wednesday, September 17, 2014


Last week was full of first and second dates. Mom dates. Here's how it went down:

Monday I met E, a mom with a 2-yr-old and a 6-wk-old, by forcing myself onto her via bringing her and her family a shepard's pie. Turns out she's Catholic and would love to tire her 2yo out.

Tuesday I had a second date with C, who has a 3-yr & 18-mos-old; she and I met previously at The Parenting Center, ran into each other at the Aquarium, and then intentionally met again at the Parenting Center one other time. C studied French. While we were there, E and her outta-town-sister-in-to-help-with-newborn showed up! 

Wednesday was Costco shopping morning, so no dates. 

Thursday I had a sort of dad-date. A little different. I met M, who's the husband of SR, and they have an 18-mos-old. Now, I've met up with SR about 4 times on Thursdays for a little playground fun and then the brief story time at the library. SR couldn't make it this time, but she likes for their little one to get his scheduled outings ... so Little M came with Big M. They're a military family who's just moved to the area, too!

Friday I met E at the playground for our first date, and she even brought me coffee. During our couple of hours wearing out the toddlers, I met SA and her 18-mos-old; she's expecting her second next Spring.

Saturday was party day at the library down the street. It was a back-to-school fest officially, I think, but there were tons of non-school-aged toddlers ready for cupcakes, music, and games. It was great! SR, SA, E, and my cousin, Rena, with Francesca were all there! Later that evening, we had our first real-live dinner guests who aren't related to us or visiting from overseas. We met M & K and their 4-mos-old back at a 40 Days for Life event, and we have tons in common ... as we suspected. Yes!

With the exception of C, who lives in Uptown, and M& K, who live in Kenner, all of these moms live right here on the Point. And there are so many little boys! It's wonderful. Paul has often shied away from (big) little boys, but I think because he's a smidge older than they, he's jumped right on in.

This week's been a little slower, with random playground meetings, except for Thursday morning with SR tomorrow; and I had an offer from C, but since Paul's been a little sick yesterday and today, I had to say no. We did go to dinner at Rena & Doug's Tuesday night, and that was great! Little Francesca's a doll, and she and Paul warmed up nicely to each other, especially over the piano. (Ada was smiling at a dog but freaked out at being barked at by him. Not used to that sound. I think it'll be cats for her for a while.)

All in all, making friends is looking up.

And now for a quick shout-out to old friends in MN, Pete & Denise, who just had their firstborn baby boy, Finn Peter, on September 10th! Hooray!

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