Friday, April 24, 2015

Happy Easter ... still!

It's the 3rd week of Easter, so "Happy Easter" is still appropriate! That also means I'm not late in posting our Easter weekend festivities. Dressed up kiddos in their Easter finery:

Ginny & Ryan spent Easter in Omaha, so with those noticeable exceptions, the whole family was together. Mom and Dad joined in our church's Good Friday observance and the last Fish Fry. Then on Saturday, Dad boiled crawfish here for us, and Peter and his gal, Serena, as well as her brother, Peter, joined us for that. Later that evening, we attended the highest Mass of the year for the Easter vigil. That was both lovely and opened up our Easter Sunday morning! We had some basket treats and then headed off to an aaamazing brunch at Katie's in Mid-City. Mom had soft-shell crab eggs benedict, Dylan had oysters benedict, Dad had a crawfish beignet something, Peter a trout and grits ensemble, and I had grillades and grits. Seriously, like I said, amazing.

THEN! Mom and Dad didn't have to get in the car to leave on Sunday afternoon. It was so, so nice to have them relax and stay a couple of days. Dad fernagled a meeting with work in south Louisiana instead of having to catch it in Houston first thing Monday morning, and Mom, well, Mom's on perma-vacation now. To keep the Easter celebration alive because He is Risen, He is Risen, Indeed, we had a lamb roast that evening al fresco. I think Mom liked it ... just a little.

Once left to our own devices again, we got back to normal routines and things to visit: Costco Mondays, Ms. Ashley's storytime on Tuesdays, Wednesday is general freeplay or "field trip" day with neighborhood families, little library and local playground Thursdays, levee walk + playground Fridays, Paul's soccer on Saturday mornings, and then church and setting up coffee&donuts takes up Sunday mornings.
Last week was r a i n and so managing as much as possible in said rain was eventful. If ever it stopped long enough to get some playtime in, Paul got to put his dinosaur rain boots to excellent use in puddles. I love it. We had a few cancellations, too, because of the weather unfortunately: the monthly Movies of the Point, and the annual neighborhood porch sale. Bummer. We still managed a few playdates, and when the rain stopped, these roses popped out - and are still coming!

This week, though, without any rain has seen a few extras. Paul had his very first dentist appointment. Besides getting a "great job!" on his clean teeth, we left with a county fair armload of "prizes" ... they say they want kids to like it there, with a shrug. Y'all, Paul got 2 stickers and 2 toys and a stuffed animal and a new toothbrush and a balloon (which Ada promptly busted). What's Paul's fave? The new mini-floss. And there's a playground in the waiting room, no joke. Anyway, after that visit, we had an outing planned for the Louisiana Children's Museum. (Sidenote: next time I know to make the dentist visit the activity for the day.) The Museum was wonderful! There's so so much to see and do, it's incredible. We enjoyed about 2 hours there and really only made our way to about 1/5th of it. Can't wait to go again!

We will probably not take the ferry, though. Yikes. About 8 moms and accompanying kids were with us, and only one other ferried with us. She has a son Paul's age and 8mos-old twins. We arrived at the ferry terminal to head home only to be told it's out of service until further notice. Okaaaay. Long story short, this friend's husband came to pick up our huge double strollers that don't fit onto city busses (&/or they're a hassle b/c they make you fold them down...), and we walked about 10 more blocks to catch a bus at 2:10. He couldn't drive us because whose car fits 3 adults and 5 carseated children. Anyway, lef the museum at 12:30, got home at 2:45. Hey! Weather was good, no child cried, and no baby had a dirty diaper. I'd say it was a successful misadventure.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Springtime weather and Holy Week

Just a couple of days after the last post, we bought a table and chair set from Costco - for ourselves. And it's proved itself totally worth it in the last 10 days alone what with all of the beautiful weather we've been having. The temperature's been just right for every meal outside, so we've taken advantage. This post, I want to focus on what the kids are doing now because it's so easy to just breeze on over it, but they really are growing big time right now. Ada's is mostly gross motor skills: she's a-walkin'! Paul's is all in that big noggin of his.

Ada has really taken off! While she's been toying with the idea of walking for what seems like months now, she's finally started doing it alone, just because, and without prompting. And she's most proud of herself; she gets the widest grin when we catch her just standing there. Helps that Paul will shout out sometimes, "Mama! Ada's standing!!" Then she grins and laughs. She's also begun walking herself along in or on the push-cars we have, so that's neat! Oh, and she's gone girlie-girl on us, requesting headbands and laughing once she gets them:

Paul is also taking off - in his imagination! And I'm relishing it. He said several things I keyed into, and now I'm noticing how often he really has his own train of thoughts - it's awesome. Ok, example 1: Ada was crying in the car on the way home from the store, and he tried calming her (cute, I know) by saying, "It's ok, you'll see Uncle Pete soon. He'll have backhoes for us to play with" What? How? Where did that come from? We had just seen him in Houston, ya know, but still. You better deliver, bro... Ex 2: Reading about what the Three Trees wanted to be when they grew up, he said he wants to be a backhoe because 2 shovels. Later that day, Dylan kind of loaded-questioned him, and it came out he wants to be the driver, but I'm sticking with his first answer. Ex. 3: We were eating out back, and we could see (poor indoor) Lucy in the window. Paul starts telling me she looks like the "Unts-uh" ... wut. You know, "with the green arms at the window" oooooh, the Once-ler, from Dr. Seuss' The Lorax! And she totally did! Because she's black against the black of the window showing just her eyes! Anyone? Google it. Last example: Paul was saying how pretty my Cologne coffee mug is, with the bridge over the Rhine and cathedral. Then he says, "I would like to go there. That bridge. Trains go on that bridge!" I told him we'll go one day and ride trains ... and eat delicious German bread. So he says, "Good bread on trains on big bridges, mmmm! Let's bring all of our boxes. To live. With Nana and Pappy, too. We'll miss Gus and Ben." Baaahaha, I loved the whole 3 or 4 minute exchange.

Dylan's been busying himself with work, yes, but also with helping to organize our neighborhood Movies on the Point monthly event, the first of which was a great success! And he's gotten himself switched into this local chapter of the Knights of Columbus, so our involvement there has increased; and everyone's so happy to have us.

And I have kept busy with the children, duh, as well as the usual cleaning and cooking and entertaining but also sorting through things, trying to simplify here and there. We've received many, many nice kids' clothes in sizes through 5yo boys, so I've had to get my head around what, how, and where to keep things. I've also felt an itch to get Paul (and to a lesser extent, Ada, too) involved in activities where s/he's got to answer to adults besides Mama and Papa; Paul's had 2 toddler soccer classes (the second of which was much more positive than the first ... hoping that's a trend!), and there's a big hope in a local art class for little guys. Check them out here to have a peek at what just joined our neighborhood; we attended an open house, and I think I'm in love! We've joined the nearby community garden, too, and have hopes there to pique interests I'd otherwise be less capable of doing on my own at home. 

Now it's Holy Week, and the Triduum starts tomorrow with the Last Supper service - Paul's excited about getting to rip into a giant loaf of bread for dinner, ha. Nana & Pappy are coming in, too, and we're planning on attending the last Fish Fry on Friday after a Way of the Cross, having a crawfish boil on Saturday with Pete, and attending the biggest Mass of the year on Saturday night, the Easter Vigil. Then, come Easter morning, there'll be baskets to get into and a brunch to enjoy.