Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Oh, hello, have we met?

I might have hopes of "getting back to normal" with all these children, but that likely won't mean anything near a weekly or biweekly blog update; let's shoot for monthly, here.

Words I typed 2 months ago, to the day, the last time I had this rare moment of solitude. Now well into Fall, I find myself with a completely unbooked 30 minutes - dishes washed, clothes cleaned, and all other 5 Knolls at baseball practice - where I will finally hit the publish button! I don't pretend to think anyone's actually waited with bated breath for a Knoll update, but as I first said years ago when I started, these blogs are as much for me and my journaling purposes as anything else. I intended to "catch up" 2 months ago when I uploaded all these photos. Now I've got a few more to add since September already - our lil Miss Pip hit the 1 year mark! A future post ... hopefully before she's 2.
Without further ado, Imma let most of these photos and a few captions speak for themselves so I can move on along. Oh, but, ugh, I do have to apologize for having them *gasp* out of chronological order. Annoying, I know.

Looks like we're starting with July's hurricane Barry evacuation to Chicago, where we visited the Biver's farm Terra Vitae.
Sacred Heart of Jesus on May 29th
Oh, ok, now we're moving into Mardi Gras back in February. Pip's 1st!

Managed a visit or two to Nana & Pappy's, of course; this one looks like it was Spring, given the crawfish. Snapped a shot of (hardly) their first indoctrination into Beatlemania.

Geaux Saints!
Fat baby face
Our 4 Baptisms in the same heirloom gown <3 
Paul turned 7! Ada turned 5! 
first pinewood derby race on bday weekend
Nana doesn't forget the lil guy, the otherwise only one not getting a pressie on Jan 25th!
Valentine's with our Valentines
Homeschool recess
Whoooa-dang! Naptime just got even better!
Texas Rodeo

KC fish fry
Scout camping in St. Francisville
St. Joseph altars on March 19th
Just 'cause she's cute
all 4 at the swings
Hello, Mr. Bookworm! He's in love.
I'm not always the strictest.
From our garden
Divine Mercy

What naptime?
I should really look up the date for this one - Paul finished his first HP and is hooked.
Pippa reads, too.
Weekend in Biloxi
Memorial Weekend
Last day of 1st grade? Yes, I think so.
Orchestra party!
She definitely agrees with the sentiment.
Bioswale works a treat
Jack's 3rd in June!
Ada rocks the VBS show

Heidi & Molly came to visit!!
Happy Dad's Day, Dylan!
Ah, yes. We had our first baseball season - Ada in tee and Paul in 6-7s.
Summer buddy reading
My #1 sous-chef
Summer reading
Scout skate night
Summer's intense
Nana making Jack's Cupcake Party (à la Pete the Cat) happen
Jack's 3rd bday gift from Nana & Pappy: his cupcake swing
+ Burge Family visit in early July
Hey, finally one I don't have to guess the date:
Ah, yes, and then the street flooding in Algiers Point that had until then never -ever- happened.
Evacu-cation to Chicago to stay with Heidi, Josh, and Molly - 2 visits in 1 summer
We have a similarly staged shot of these firstborns back in '13, when they were 18mo - now both 7!
Drew's Gator
Friends Fest in City Park
And there ya have it! January through September-ish at the Knolls. I'll try to get on another one sooner than 9 months from now to bring us up-to-date with school starting, Pippa's birthday, Halloween, etc. 

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