Friday, May 16, 2014

Cute things

I'm going to tell you about all of the cute things both Paul & Adeline did this week...

...whilst rolling my eyes because Paul won't stay in bed at naptime and is shouting "open the doooor", hence waking Ada. Sheesh.

Paul tried to tell Ada "Guten Morgen" but doesn't say g, yet, so it came out "oot Mornin, Baby!" Evidently, English is just toddler German.

Ada smiled big, big at funny noises and then switched to pursed lips and an eyebrow raised at the same funny noise that was slightly louder. 

While I was away for a minute from Paul, he dragged his little, white rocking chair over to the sliding glass door, and I came back to find him watching the birds & squirrels, rocking.

Ada laughed! Big, silly grin laugh that meant true amusement - and we caught it on camera!

Paul started kissing whatever he hurts on me, Papa, or Baby but instead of a kiss noise, he says out loud "Muaaah".

Ada rolled! So, less cute, but still very exciting =) And right on the same schedule as Paul - neat!

While speaking of "on schedule", it was this week last year that Paul fell and knocked his tooth out. This year? He falls down Heidi's front stoop and busts his lip. The swelling's gone down a ton since then, but it still looks uncomfortable. This is smiling:

Oh, and he spelled! Sort of. He recognized which letter's we were saying, anyway, pointed to them and told us their colors. Neat! Also caught on camera.

Ada found her fingers and, instead of choosing one, tries to stuff the whole fist in her mouth.

Shy little Paul said "Buh-bye" to my whole catechism class of 7th graders, ha. They got a kick outta that. 

Ada woke early from nap (man!), and when I went in to her, one arm was free from the swaddle just flinging around, and she smiled at me. Stinker.
And I think that might be it for this week. In other news, we are exactly 2 weeks from sleeping in our new (to us) house in New Orleans. We have exactly 7% of the house packed up, and instead of packing more last weekend, we had friends over for a big pancake breakfast and went out to dinner with other friends on Saturday and then just relaxed on Mother's Day with Minnesota's Biggest Donut like we've got all the time in the world. Should probably do a little more this weekend... Oh, and since we have so much time on our hands, Ginny's been ever so kind as to online dress shop for me (a combo of two things I'm terrible at: online shopping and dress shopping) for Heather's wedding. I get a package in the mail next week, woo!

Also, can you handle all of this cute? (I know it's an Ada-heavy post, but others have more Paul, so it's ok.)

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with the move and packing...
    Thinking of you four adventurers!
