Friday, May 2, 2014

May already!

The weather. C'mon! The last days of April brought us a light dusting of snow as well as a couple of rough nights with Adeline, poor little gassy dear. (Note: no more beans for lunch.) The second of the rough nights was followed by a doozy of a day for me. Dylan and I were both so tired, he scooted out the door for work before we could have coffee ... and therefore I had no coffee. And learned that I may have a slight addiction. Headache. Foul mood. Paul suddenly became annoying, and Ada wouldn't eat (she must really dislike beans!). I had a pep-talk from good friend, Heidi, about all of us having "those days" every now and again and welcomed the freely-given "You're a great mom - you just need some sleep" spiel from Dylan when he got home.

Next day? Great! Same stinkin' ol' weather, but we got out of the house even earlier than on time (what what!), and both kiddos were in good spirits. Apparently Ada prefers tacos to beans on toast. I do, too, Ada. Atta girl.

Yes, I had a cuppa coffee that day.

Anyway, I was reminiscing about the days of "just 1", as I do when I feel overwhelmed by 2, and I noticed that I very closely watched Paul grow to 2 yrs. Everyone says, gosh it goes so fast. Or, where did the time go? Or, and then - bam - they're in high school. But I feel like I could give you a thousand specifics about any given thing regarding Paul's first 2 years. They were relatively slow-paced with, clearly, tons of 1-on-1 time. These last three months Gosh, it's gone so fast! Where did the time go? Bam - he's already in high school! Well, practically! All of a sudden, he's a little boy. With little boy mannerisms, preferences, opinions, and thoughts, however concisely voiced. It saddens me a little but is also exciting. What a strange thing.

Things are getting pretty real with the move, too. Dylan's been collecting boxes from the liquor store, and I think we have 2, maybe?, boxes of books packed. Woo! At this rate, we'll be in NOLA around Thanksgiving. I'm expecting that one of these days will put enough fire under me to just. get. going. and, like my Momma says, take things off the walls. Then it'll look like we're moving, and it'll be a constant in my mind ... rather than an "oh yeah, we're moving."

I've only got 3 Friday Momtimes left. I've enjoyed that and will miss it.

Cute, huh?

He is risen! He is risen, indeed, alleluia! Happy 3rd week of Easter! To celebrate, instead of going out, we're cooking a fancier than usual meal at home with ingredients we usually can't afford. We'll even break out the fine china again =). We may also have some especially delicious cookies. Paul and I decorated some more eggs this week, too. I realized that dyeing boiled eggs is great, but then you eat 'em. This time, I blew out raw eggs, and we dyed the empty shells to last the rest of the season.

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