We've eaten outside for lunch and/or dinner 4 different days this week, Adeline's shown that she does indeed approve of babywearing (only in the Björn, though), and we've taken walks both into town and to a friend's house. This week gets a thumbs-up!
Let's just not think too long or hard about the 2yo tantrums for giving him the pineapple that he requested, having to leave the construction site after an already 15min visit, or any number of other (to me) little things that don't quite fit into his idea of the-way-things-should-be. But he does like a good snack and spying on the neighbors:
Just to get a little glimpse into our routine ... Lately, our day's begun with Paul around 7am and Ada somewhere between 8:30-9:30. She takes 2 little 20-min catnaps before naptime at 1pm. (Yes, it's regularly been at the same time for both of them, yuussssss!) Paul gets up at 2:30, and she'll stay down til 4. Then there's dinner at 6 and bed at 8. Ada's been in bed within a few minutes of Paul, but he gets out of bed at least 3 times before calling it quits somewhere between 8:30-9pm. Mama & Papa are just having too much fun without him - doing dishes, folding clothes, internetting, or otherwise catching up on stuff. He did catch us having a glass of wine and ice cream one night, though, and that was pretty fun.
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Dylan: It's duck-face and a selfie. Perfect. |
Not too much on the moving front. Not too much on any front, really. Things are just winding down - Paul's Mama&Me class has just another day or two as well as my Wednesday 7th grade catechism class, and I already mentioned that Momtime is almost done, too. Seems a pretty appropriate time to have a shift, then, really. Except that summer in MN is beautiful ... this year made us wonder if it fully makes up for the 6-month winter, though; we concluded no, no it does not. The next wonder-ment, then, is if we're ready for the heat & humidity!
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