Words I typed 2 months ago, to the day, the last time I had this rare moment of solitude. Now well into Fall, I find myself with a completely unbooked 30 minutes - dishes washed, clothes cleaned, and all other 5 Knolls at baseball practice - where I will finally hit the publish button! I don't pretend to think anyone's actually waited with bated breath for a Knoll update, but as I first said years ago when I started, these blogs are as much for me and my journaling purposes as anything else. I intended to "catch up" 2 months ago when I uploaded all these photos. Now I've got a few more to add since September already - our lil Miss Pip hit the 1 year mark! A future post ... hopefully before she's 2.
Without further ado, Imma let most of these photos and a few captions speak for themselves so I can move on along. Oh, but, ugh, I do have to apologize for having them *gasp* out of chronological order. Annoying, I know.
Looks like we're starting with July's hurricane Barry evacuation to Chicago, where we visited the Biver's farm Terra Vitae.
Sacred Heart of Jesus on May 29th |
Managed a visit or two to Nana & Pappy's, of course; this one looks like it was Spring, given the crawfish. Snapped a shot of (hardly) their first indoctrination into Beatlemania.
Geaux Saints! |
Fat baby face |
Our 4 Baptisms in the same heirloom gown <3 |
Paul turned 7! Ada turned 5! |
first pinewood derby race on bday weekend
Nana doesn't forget the lil guy, the otherwise only one not getting a pressie on Jan 25th!
Valentine's with our Valentines
Homeschool recess
Whoooa-dang! Naptime just got even better! |
Texas Rodeo
KC fish fry |
Scout camping in St. Francisville |
St. Joseph altars on March 19th
Just 'cause she's cute
all 4 at the swings
Hello, Mr. Bookworm! He's in love.
I'm not always the strictest.
From our garden
Divine Mercy
What naptime?
I should really look up the date for this one - Paul finished his first HP and is hooked.
Pippa reads, too.
Weekend in Biloxi
Memorial Weekend
Last day of 1st grade? Yes, I think so.
Orchestra party!
She definitely agrees with the sentiment.
Bioswale works a treat
Jack's 3rd in June!
Ada rocks the VBS show
Heidi & Molly came to visit!!
Happy Dad's Day, Dylan!
Ah, yes. We had our first baseball season - Ada in tee and Paul in 6-7s.
Summer buddy reading
My #1 sous-chef
Summer reading
Scout skate night
Summer's intense
Nana making Jack's Cupcake Party (à la Pete the Cat) happen
Jack's 3rd bday gift from Nana & Pappy: his cupcake swing
+ Burge Family visit in early July
Hey, finally one I don't have to guess the date:
Ah, yes, and then the street flooding in Algiers Point that had until then never -ever- happened.
Evacu-cation to Chicago to stay with Heidi, Josh, and Molly - 2 visits in 1 summer
We have a similarly staged shot of these firstborns back in '13, when they were 18mo - now both 7!
Drew's Gator
Friends Fest in City Park
And there ya have it! January through September-ish at the Knolls. I'll try to get on another one sooner than 9 months from now to bring us up-to-date with school starting, Pippa's birthday, Halloween, etc.
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