Nana, Pappy, Tante Ginny, and Uncle Ryan came to New Orleans to celebrate Easter together, and here we all are (missing Uncle Pete!) having Easter Sunday's lunch in our backyard: roast lamb, potatoes, carrots, and green beans. I jump straight to this shot because it's the only one we snapped of all of us. We didn't manage to take a picture of us all together at Jack's first Easter Mass because it was late in the evening and there came an unexpected rain to boot. I can attest to how lovely we all looked ;)
Now let's back up and run through the rest of Holy Week! We attended the Last Supper Mass with Mom & Dad on Thursday night and then had a really nice Good Friday; we started with a walk through Couturie Forest in City Park, Dylan and I made the veneration of the Cross sans kids during naptime, and then we had the last Fish Fry Friday before the Stations of the Cross. Saturday, then, we had a crawfish boil and, later on, the Easter Vigil. While it was a little odd not to go to Mass on Sunday, and Easter Sunday at that, it was really great to partake in all the "bells and smells" of the Vigil and then get going on the roast first thing in the morning - Ginny & Ryan had to get back to Houston midday, anyway.
The kids' baskets + the Bunny's treats:
Here's where I have to include that Paul, at 5yo, asked about the Easter Bunny. He leaned over at the dinner table before Easter Sunday, and he said, "Is the Easter Bunny real?" I answered, "What do you think?" He said, "I mean, he doesn't know stuff, like Santa, so is he real?" And I gave him a tight-lipped, eyebrow-raised smile. He was happy to leave it at that.
And now just some before-Easter-shenanigans!
Music Under the Oaks series in Audubon Park
Working hard on chores + Jack ... helping
And the adults around here: one of us, in Activewear, activewear was going to Costco in [her] activewear and the other of us is digging out all the bricks that had been buried under years of grass to re-lay a historic brick sidewalk with plans to break up the concrete and reclaim some grass. Won't tell you who's who.
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