January 7th was the last time I, apparently, had a moment to reflect. Somehow, January 2017 brought even more unpredictability than the holiday season; maybe even moreso because we expect the holidays to be a bit crazy and look forward to the New Year to bring a little normalcy. Well. That went out the window!
First, for some baby updates: John Joseph weighs a ton and eats even more! That's him in a nutshell. He's got 4 teeth, eats all three meals with us, albeit smaller portions, but not at all "baby food"-like. He wants the peas, meatloaf, & mashed potatoes!
January of this year brought with it the death of a dear friend's young son, Drew. There's nothing I could possibly say about it that would be as graceful, meaningful, or faithful as what his mother, my friend, Heidi, has already said via their Caring Bridge site. Of course this is a most dreadful and hard time for the family, but she, Josh, and 5yo Molly are relying so much on God's grace, peace, and comfort that there's really nothing more than that to pray for, save that those things continue. Other than the actual sad business and reason for going, I enjoyed taking Jack along for his first trip to Minnesota. We revisited a little stomping ground from back in 2013-14 when Paul was a small toddler and where Ada was born, savored a few snowy moments, and cherished the time spent with Heidi, as well as sparked a new, deeper friendship with the family I stayed with! We'd known each other but weren't particularly close before, and her family was so wonderfully warm and welcoming, it made the whole reason for being there sting a bit less. Then, leaving, there was a snow storm that had me drive my rental back to the Cities to stay in a hotel for fear of not being able to leave Austin the next morning. Everything was on time.
Jack's first flight and an eating machine + our rental for the few days.
Awake and ready to play at 10pm instead of sleeping

Baby's First Snow!
Woke up to only a few inches in Minneapolis vs. the 8-12 in Austin!
January of this year also brought my firstborn's 5th and my daughter's 3rd birthday. Paul's and Ada's birthday party was on Saturday the 21st (after which I boarded a plane to MN), and I flew back home on their actual birthday, the 25th. Nana, Pappy, Tante Ginny, & Uncle Ryan made the trip from Houston to share the weekend together, and then Nana & Pappy stayed on with Dylan and the kids while I was away. Paul had a chocolate cake with white icing in the shape of an "a" because last year he had "P" - do you see what he's doing? Next year he wants "u" and the next "l". Gotta love his persistence, right? I do love how naturally he saw the whole thing, like, duh, of course that's the cake I want! And Ada had a white cake with chocolate icing "wif a hole in it" - Bundt cake it is! They enjoyed some musical play time with a few of their friends here at the house, and we even tried an actual "birthday game": musical chairs was a half/half win, sorta, with the older ones getting it and the younger ones ... not. Funny.
And a little of the kids' busy-ness with Nana & Pappy:
With birthday money from Great-Nanna & Great-Poppa Nelson, Paul and Ada chose these gems:
And, lastly, January of this year has brought with it a bit of Mardi Gras celebration. Also known as King Cake Season. We've had at-least-weekly king cake, and it doesn't look like it's going to start slowing down, yet. I think I said something like this last year, and if I didn't, I thought it, but living here makes one almost yearn for Lent. Is that right? Hm... The neighborhood parade was cute, too, and Paul and Ada both wanted to watch it pass right in front of our house this year instead of walking in it, thank goodness! It was great fun to see. Followed by, what else, but King cake, of course! Dylan has also made the kids a parade ladder box, which is completely necessary for any parade longer than 10 minutes (ie, all of them.) Here's the box in progress, and I'm sure I'll show the finished product in snaps from Mardi Gras day.
The month was also rife with stellar sibling moments such as these:
But don't be fooled ... there were many (and probably even more) not-so-stellar moments, too, of course. Paul's new-found independence goes hand-in-hand with a streak of defiance where he knows the rules aren't that important; think "keep the door closed until Mama's ready to go" not "stay out of the street". So, he's not pushing the limits on where there's danger, just Mama, who he may, in fact, also agree is dangerous. He's excited about the fact that he can now cross (some) streets without holding on to an adult, and he's finally starting to grasp and love his bike. He's the best, best, best big brother to baby Jack, making him laugh when I need another minute with this or that, fetching things, and he loves that he's big and strong enough to pick him up and hold him all on his own. It's darling to see. To Ada, on the other hand, there's room for improvement... But he's still soft-hearted and shy to show it, imaginative and quick to want to explain it to us, he's shown quite some talent for little technical things like fixing things or putting pieces back together as well as talent for the piano. He sits down to tinker and finds out that Nana & Pappy's piano has the same song ours does, ha. He's also shown maturity in grasping hard concepts, like death, for example. Of course he's not where an adult would be, but he recognizes sadness, a loss, and the hope in Christ. Pretty neat in a barely 5 year old.

They're pretty amazing little ones.
I wouldn't change a thing <3
And I'll leave you with with some shots from our beloved Mini Art Center:
Last last last thing: this morning, what would've been my Mammaw Tormey's 106th birthday, my best good high school friend welcomed her firstborn daughter into the world. Beautiful.
ReplyDeleteFab photos, particularly that last one with all three of them. And you confirmed that Jack does have four teeth-good work Jack!
ReplyDeleteI love that last one you mean, too! Paul's been so cute lately with wanting to take a "family picture!" quite randomly. It's my new phone backdrop ;)
DeleteJack's 4 teeth are in perfect working condition >=( Lots of biting! Nipping, really, which is appropriate, given the area ;)