Sunday, November 22, 2015

WEDDING! + November so far

Rehearsal dinner, prep-day, WEDDING DAY, a fancy hotel, and a whole lot of rain - it was so awesome! And now I have a new brother out of it, too - yay! Of course there are real photos coming from the actual photographer (& friend) Amanda Guthrie, but these are some from phones and ones I could steal off of facebook.

Rehearsal dinner, l-r: Peter, Serena, Paul, Michelle, Fran, Ada, Kenny, Ginny, Ryan, Fr. Scott, Chris, Meggie
Who doesn't like a nap in a fancy hotel? Wedding decorating day.
Hairz done! How else to protect from the rain?
Ring Bearer Paul and Flower Girl Ada

How Ada enjoyed the reception. The entirety of it.
Paul being helpful after the party
IKEA lunch with Nana
A visit to Walker Elem with Nana and Gus
Ride back to NOLA
First-choice activity once home
Ada-bug and Skeleton Paul for trick-or-treating on the 30th ... Halloween's forecast was rainy.
Don't even get me started.

Dylan's and my first Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra experience - love!
We're members and have a show each month - best birthday gift ever. 
Teaching her early ;)
Learning percussion at a library guest appearance
Last neighborhood MoviesonthePoint ... in our living room due to rain.
Thanks Tante Ginny for the fort and ice cream!


  1. Love it all! The wedding,Halloween,every day,-kids just make it all more fun (usually ;)

  2. Yep! What a wonderful time! Made sure to "make a memory"!! ❤️��❤️��

  3. Great blog with such Cuties :-)
