Been trying to get this post out for a while now ... with Mardi Gras right in front of me, I've finally got to just do it! So, with fewer anecdotes and lotsa photos, here we are!
This one's of Paul and Ada getting their sandbox from Gran Susan & Pa Gerry ... it came on Australia Day and got sand in it later that week; we've been a bit sandy since! Paul's in Heaven in there, and Ada's a bit of a priss, not wanting to get her feet or hands too much in it. Cute.
Australia Day garb:

This little miss, Adeline Frances, is now 1, and she had her check-up and vaccinations last week. She's officially teeny. I'm pretty sure that's the official medical terminology for it. She weighs a whopping almost 17lbs and is 27" long( I think). So, she's itty bitty, and she's feisty. And loud. Doesn't sound like anyone we know... Is this little lady in the Tormey line of women, or what! Complete with Irish red hair! And she's walking very well along things, maybe even said "Mama", has a favorite stuffed toy (precious!!), and makes it very clear (read: shrieks) when she wants food, or that food, more of something.

We had to miss library time with Miss Ashley last week, so I fernagled a farm animal-themed lesson and wrote out songs to pick from a cup to sing & play maracas and everything. My first attempt at homeschooling, perhaps??
Can you spot the Paul! He had his 3 year check-up, and he weighs in at 30lbs, even, and is 37" tall, a little under average in both categories, and so to us practically perfect in every way. He eats, he runs, he's a singing, talking, babbling machine. And he finally started the "why"s! I'd been wondering and totally prompted him. We were walking to a friend's house, and he pointed at everything, everything, saying "Was ist das?", and eventually I told him he could even ask "warum" something is like that. Done =) That evening, Dylan overheard him asking me why something, and he said, oh, since when's he been asking that?! Fun times.Our little nugget (Nana called it ... and I had to clarify that we did not buy the chicken nuggets; Costco gives away its boxes instead of bags, is all ... and we got a nugget one this time.) Anyway, boxes make the best toys.
Two more of the 1st Birthday Bee

What is Ada's favorite toy?? and Where is a photo?
ReplyDeleteThese pictures are Terrific! <3