Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Hallowtide & growing kids

Paul & Adeline are growing up! Duh, I know, but I can see it happening. We pulled out the long pants last week, as it dropped below 70º, and I watched Paul's tiny, un-diapered hips strutting down the sidewalk in his jeans. On the baby-front, Ada decided that she no longer wants to be spoon-fed (slightly) puréed anything; she wants chunks, and she wants to do it herself. So different from Paul at 9mos! Since she made her decision known to us, she's had peas, penne, all the previously-tried fruits and veggies just cut up & not smushed, and oatmeal clumps ... because what else do I dooo for breakfast??

All the Brauds came in to celebrate Peter's & Nana's birthdays a couple of weekends ago, and we had 2 fun meals out together. Of course we didn't get a picture of us all together; that'd be foreward-thinking. Mom & Ginny did, however, get a couple good shots of the kiddos & Pappy, too.

That pretty well takes us up to Halloween already. 
First, there was a neighborhood party the Sunday before Halloween:
Then there was the baking of the Souls' Cakes (delish & prayerful):
Then there was pumpkin carving:
 And then Trick-or-treating!

The next day, All Saints' Day, there was a Fitzmorris (Gammaw Braud's side) reunion on the Northshore, and I am so glad we could make it! It was a lot of fun chatting with all these people I haven't seen in ages and getting to show them Paul & Ada (and Dylan, too, ha). I must've said 10 times that day something like, coming to these events is part of why we moved down here. It felt so good to belong to a big group. Family love!

And now we come upon a busy next two weeks in November; Shalome & Ahlwan arrive this evening from Melbourne! It'll be a ball to see Paul & Ahlwan - and Ada, for that matter - play together, and we're, of course, excited to get to visit with Shalome for a little bit, too. 

Here's a little comparison for fun's sake:

1 comment:

  1. Fiiiiinnaly catching up on your blog!! Love it! Have fun with family visiting!
