Friday was excellent. It was made possible, of course, by 2 morning cups-a coffee and an afternoon tea, though, after an impossible (slight exaggeration...) 2 nights with Adeline. Given her pretty good track record, Thursday night's cry-eat-scream cycle that lasted hours seemed ridiculous, and we only slept from 2-5am. So back to the good day, right? The Momtime group I go to Fridays was cancelled for Spring Break, so we improv'd our own Momtime, complete with a quiche, monkey bread, coffees, and fruit. Heidi+Molly and Nicole+Will were over for most of the morning. It's great to see Paul play with a little boy! Seems all his contemporaries are girls, and he discovered that a friend loves cars as much as he does? Wow! Shortly after they left, I put Paul down for his nap - just put him in bed and walked out! - and I nursed Ada down. Both. Kids. Asleep. Simultaneously. I was so excited I couldn't sleep, so I read instead. It was awesome. After naps, there were lots of coos and laughs; Paul's even started laughing at Ada's funny noises. Dylan came home in the evening, we had our Friday skype session with Susan & Gerry, had a fish dinner, and put Paul to bed at 8. And Ada went down at 9:30 after only mild evening crying. Whooooa - quiet house at 9:30?!
We slept great - all of us. It's incredible what that can do! We sat down to a blueberry pancake breakfast and enjoyed a little outside time - it got into the high 40s. Spring's definitely near, so say all the budding trees and grass, even though there are still mounds of collected snow.
The uplifting tail of the week came after a pretty rough one for me. I'm sitting here trying to think of what to relate that could've been "that bad", and nothing is even coming to me. Perhaps I blocked it out or perhaps nothing was really all that bad; I just felt worn out and that "is this how my life is going to be forever?" feeling.

I forgot to mention the 2 month check-up (and vaccines! which added to the week's sufferings, I'm sure). Adeline weighed in on Tuesday at a whopping 9lbs 13oz, is 22 inches long and has a 15 in head =). Atta girl!
(For comparison's sake, and since they have the same birthdate, Paul, who was 8#4oz, 21.25" long, and had a 14" head at birth, weighed 11lbs 8oz & was 24" long at 2 months.)
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