Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Photo Dump: Summer 2016

So, we had a baby! Then Dylan's mom & stepdad came for a month. Then we had a car accident. And now it's Fall.

That's it, right?

In between and around those things, we took a trip on the Natchez & a walk in the swamp, enjoyed the kids' first water park, celebrated a birthday & an anniversary, visited the beach, attended Confetti Kids' annual Candyland Ball (a baby-friendly rave party with a candy buffet!), Ada started baby-wearing, Paul got really into train track-building and also had his first (hopefully last?) stitches, and generally spent lots of time together as a family of 5!

The shirt says it all...
Bros (not Brauds. Well, technically...)
Ulli embroidered "JJ"

Photo Dump: Growing Baby

John Joseph is now 13 weeks old, weighs in at 14#! and has begun, gosh, since last proper post 2 months ago? Well, lots of stuff! He's smiling and cooing and has even offered up a laugh or two on particularly funny occasions. Here are bunches and bunches of photos of just him doing "sleep smiles" or "stretchy baby", as P&A call it when we first wake up and unwrap him from his swaddle, and many a goofy grin. He's been so sweet and has really made it easy for me to enjoy his infancy! Of course I loved my first two babies, but there's something about this go-around that's more relaxed in me, giving me the chance to really savor his tiny-ness.
(Not so much into the baby-thing and would rather see our out-and-about times? Just skip this whole post and stay tuned for the next bit, Photo Dump: Summer 2016)