It goes into resting up for the next batch of crazy 2 toddlers are about to throw at me. That's where. I started this post on June 5th, and now it's the 21st ... a full month after last post. I'll keep what I started with and then just try to run through some things.
Generally, there are 2 times of day where I can "do stuff", stuff that can't/won't get done with kiddos around, like blogging, reading, cross-stitching, facebooking, intricate cooking, sleeping. Ah, yes, sleeping. Those things, naturally, are the first to go if somebody's not sleeping at night. Somebody's woken up every, single night of her 16-month-long life, and somebody really wears us out should she be up for playing or just complaining between the hours of midnight & 5am. I'm not naming any names, but she's certainly trying to see how well Dylan and I actually can function on the least sleep possible. That being said, I've spent the last month-ish napping at naptime and going to bed, well, basically when the kids do.
She weaned! At 16months on the nose, and we thought that'd be the ticket to sleep. Welp. That wasn't exactly so, so Dylan started a new nighttime thingy to encourage her to self-soothe back to sleep, and that, my friends has been good. She's spent the last 3-ish weeks going from needing us for full recovery sometimes twice a night to crying out briefly just once or twice before sleeping again maybe 2-3 times a night to last night - am I gonna say it - where she slept from 8pm to 6am. Normal sleep. Aaaah! Do I see sanity? I think I miiiight.
You may think that was a long rant about a baby's sleep, but do you realize how important sleep is? "Momma always says" you can handle a lot when you're rested, and I'm just really hoping that nighttime will be refreshing again soon. Like, for a longer period of time. (Secretly meaning forever...)
SO! Sleep aside, oh wait no! The nights Little Missy was doing ok, he would wake up, uh, crying? What? Sigh, anyway, we can count on his funny nights to be random and seldom (I think...)
Now sleep aside, we've been busy, as one generally keeps oneself.
- There's been Mother's Day, when my family came into town for a lovely brunch at Katie's,
- kids' yoga on Mondays,
- Paul checked out the original Thomas the Tank Engine stories & read the whole thing in 2 weeks,
- Ada added a bunch of animals to her noise list as well as about 6 songs she can hum in tune,
- Paul finished his first 8 wks of soccer and we've started the next already with a much better coach (he loves it/her!),
- found out the zoo's amazing an hour before closing (it's a stroll all to ourselves),
- Ada hiccuped into Paul's trumpet and everyone got a kick out of it,
- spent Memorial Day weekend in Houston and roadtripped to Waco just Mama&Papa alone (first time leaving Ada and first time back at Baylor in years and visiting dear friends, Travis & Amy Cheatham),
- I had an allergy-induced cough that put me on the coach a few nights & exhausted me,
- kids are sleeping from 8ish to 6:30ish whooooa,
- D & I finished teaching our first on-our-own NFP course,
- there've been 2 awesome birthday parties for 2 awesome neighbor kids - one a crawfish boil in the rain and the other backyard sprinkler fun,
- Paul did his first Vacation Bible School 5 days in a row from 9-12 -- lots of growth that week for both of us, consequently first just-Ada time,
- huge neighborhood family potluck,
- D & I watched a movie - a what? - Theory of Everything & I'm reminded how much I love astronomy and universe-y sciences,
- D danced with me one night here at home & he brought home the first red roses he's ever gifted (why red? They were on special; I love efficiency, frugality, and symbols of love combined!),
- Ada had her 15mos checkup and weighed in at 18.5lbs, 30" long, and has a head 18.5" - go girl, go,
- Paul learned to get himself Cheerios and milk in the morning and is the cutest ever,
- we joined the nearby family gym,
- started toddler art class on Flubber Friday,
- gung-ho in the neighborhood social group "Real Housewives of Algiers Point" -- complete with tees, coozies, and onesies - ha,
- Ada's starting to participate in cooking, too,
- Ada called everything and everyone "Papa" for about 2 weeks and has now switched to everything and everyone being "Mama" - she'll get there
- Paul's maturing and being very helpful with getting out of the house, including dressing himself -- even Tshirt and socks (now I know why kids are out in public with tees inside out or mis-matching socks; kid prolly did it himself and it's too cute to change!),
- and Paul sings out "Na na na na-na-na-naaa, hey Jude" - yessss.
Oh, and we put in an offer to buy a house, had said offer accepted, and we don't have to move ... can you guess what's happening?
Happy Father's Day to my darling husband and my own wonderful father -- I love you both!
Photo dump:
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Watching the TV he built... |