Thursday, October 23, 2014

Finally Fall

And enjoying the weather! Complete with open doors for a through-breeze to freshen up this old place.

So, a short reflection to start. It seems I've actually crossed over to the side of "mother" somewhere along the line. Yes, yes, I know I've been "Mama" for going on 3 years now, but that's not what I mean. A friend offered to take Paul to the playground while Ada morning-napped, and this strange sensation came over me, like "what do I do when I only have a 9-month-old, napping?" My mind bounced back quickly to 2 yrs ago when we had just moved to Austin, MN with 9-month-old Paul, and I yearned for those naps (yes, plural); they were morning and afternoon. I finally got to do what I wanted. And I complained when they were shortened. Now? Now I don't think about what I finally "get" to do. Oh, yes, I still look forward to naptime (I don't know any at-home mom who doesn't), but I usually ask myself how I could use it best - for us. Should I nap, too, to re-engergize for the long evening? Should I start the meal? What needs doing vs how can I be best for later on? Somehow, somewhere along the track, I stopped thinking of naptime as me-time and more as, well, naptime, or at least rest-time. Sometimes that's facebook or the blog, sometimes that's sleeping, and sometimes it's "productive", moving from one put-off-chore to another. In any case, what's changed is this attitude of I want to read, I want to do my nails, I just want to do what I want to one of What are we going to do together later, and can I make that go smoothly? In fact, while Ada napped this morning, the initial reaction was Squee, alone time! But that quickly changed to Bummer, I'll miss our playground fun. Wonder where little Miss Adeline gets her FOMO* from... This is all to say that I think I embrace the role of at-home-mom & housewife better than I thought I did back then.
*fear of missing out

And now for a photographical show of our visit to Miss Heather's Pumpkin Patch.

 It's little Miss's first time!

And the trying-to-get-two-kids-to-pose begins!

1. Set A down.
2. Set P down.
3. P hits face on pumpkin stem.
4. P fusses about pumpkin stem.
5. Fascination with pumpkin stem begins. 
 Bouncy Pilloooooow!
 Paul picked out his very own

Finally, things are a-moving here! First, I've gotten the go-ahead from the Church Lady to organize donuts after the 2 Sunday Masses starting this Advent - boo, a whole month away but yay a little fellowship! Second, I started a Friday morning levee walking group; one mom called it a stroller brigade. I've labeled it "Let's Go!" Whatever the title, it's mommas with their littles in strollers or carriers walking on the levee for a mile & back at a grown-up's pace. Nice. Next, perhaps because of the weather, people are starting to congregate a little more. And while many aren't necessarily eager to seek out meet-ups, most are up for meeting for something I suggest. I'll take it. Then, Dylan's job is ticking along, and he seems pleased with his colleagues and with the work he's doing. Very good things. We haven't talked tons about it, though, because there isn't a ton of time to talk when it's well-spent wrestling the bébés. You read that right - wrestling the bébés. They both wrestle and love it! Ada's gotten very mobile and loves physical, rough-n-tumble games. It goes without saying that Paul's into that. We just have to, um, remind him that Ada's still tiny. HE has started playing in English. So funny and cute. He names and counts his cars and shows his books to Ada in English. And I can't forget to mention his "tank ou, Ada" as he's ripping something out of her hands or the "sowwy, Ada" when he knocks her over. Shrug.

Life is grand!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

So much NEW

Dylan's view is new, and everything's going well while he settles in. Things are changing and settling for us on the homefront, too, like what happens after nap, how the cooking gets done, and when the kiddos bathe. But Dylan's view!

Ada's teefus are new, and she weighs 16 lbs at 26" long. We knew she had those two bottom, front teeth coming through, but her sleep was so insanely rough for 3 full days & nights that we took her in to see the doc to rule out other things wrong. After checking her ears, nose, and chest, he put a tongue depressor in her mouth, lifted her teeny baby lips and - wowza! - she's working on 6! Two bottom center, and all four top center! We didn't even think to look up there, yet, but the doc said they're coming in like popcorn. We're relieved all that work and lack of sleep are for something productive.

Her climbing up on things is new, and she loves it. So far she's landed back on her bum, but I'm sure the face-plant is on its way.

Paul's feeding her is new (and adorbs) - he is a really great big brother. Nuff said.

His Lightening McQueen and Thomas undies are new! And have stayed dry for 4 days so far - woo! Yes, we bribed with ice cream. For, like, a month. Every #2 in the potty got us all a bowl of ice cream. (#1 gets him a chocolate chip, but we haven't had an accident there in months.) It's the #2 that's been the kicker ... we're out of ice cream "Ooo, big boy underwear! Keep Thomas and Lightening McQueen dry, now!" Done.

Dylan and I went to a movie. In a movie theater! We saw "Gone Girl" - thank you for watching a napless Adeline, Nana!!

And the weather's new! Highs in the 70s, thank you very much.

Then there's this - can only get one kid to look at any given time. Ah well.

Friday, October 10, 2014

In other news...

We went to the zoo!

See -->

Oh, and Dylan got a job with a law firm in town. He received the offer on Monday, so we celebrated with a fancy dinner, of course; and he'll head off to a snazzy new office in a big ol' high rise on Monday of next week. Very exciting ... and a big game-changer for us. Our daily schedules will see major changes, and one of our goals just became "maximizing family time". What that means for me and how I can shift things around to meet that goal, I've yet to work out. God's timing is impeccable - thank you!


It was the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi last week, so let's see some Adeline Frances, shall we? She's on the move, she loves spinach, she's got a little 'tude, and she's deliciously kissable.

 Let's see what her big bro's been up to, too, because look