Thursday, August 14, 2014

Too busy living to write...

Rude, huh? And not at all how I feel, but I've heard this line from others. It doesn't make any sense to me - why post things or have an online life at all if only out of boredom? I like to write and post updates here precisely because we are busy, and I want to share with you and remember stuff! The past month has been particularly busy, and I've been exhausted, too. Once the kids are in bed at either naptime or nighttime, I hit the pillow ... or at least I try to, dishes, laundry, and showering aside!

It's simply been to long since last post to give details about everything the kids, Dylan and I have been up to, so I'll try to just sum a few things up ... and post Mom's and Ginny's photos at the end that they at least took to document.
view from Algiers Point
Nana came to New Orleans for a few days back on July 22nd, before taking me and the kiddos back to Houston with her on Friday the 25th, Ada's 6month mark. She, Paul, and I stayed with Nana & Pappy & the boys (Gus, Ben, Willie, & Waylon) til Monday, August 4th. It'd been a full year for me since last being in Texas. I heart TX, and this trip didn't disappoint. Dylan drove over and joined us for the weekend, and we, Knolls, headed back to NOLA on that Monday. We broke down in Beaumont - yike$! - but 3 hrs later got back on the road. High-fives all around for still liking each other and no tantrums, woo!

Last week back in NOLA was a little tough in the beginning after so many days with Nana's help ... and Paul's having gotten used to so much one-on-one. Plus, with Pappy, the animals, and visits from Tante Nini and Ryan, there was just so much going on that I think the quiet and "Eine Minute, Paul"s were a little boring. Come the weekend, we fared much better, and we've re-liked each other since ;).

Somewhere in there we tried out our local (read: one block away) library and its kids' story time, as well as had lots of playground play, walks along the river, and tower building, his new fave with blocks. Mega cute factor: he loves making Ada laugh. Swells my heart.

Little Miss Adeline is sitting, eating a few things more than just licking ours - carrots, peas, green beans, grits - and she screams. Not in a bad way - she just AAH shouts a little AAAH at random times. Another maga cute factor that this time makes Paul laughs.

We've gotten a rhythm down for meals, play, and sleep that's comfortable and more or less predictable, and it allows me at least a smidge of time with simultaneous naps.

On the adult front, firstly, Dylan and I have been involved in spear-heading a New Orleans chapter of Communion and Liberation, which we loved in St. Paul. There are just 3 of us (our family, a family of 7, and an engaged couple), but we're all curious and excited to see what might come of it. Secondly, Dylan and I will teach our very first NFP class on Friday the 29th! Thirdly, we're still church shopping for the right fit... And lastly, Dylan signed his first client!! Huzzah! He's a real lawyer running his own real firm, yay!

This weekend we're hosting good friends from France for 4 days as they hop all over the US, and next week, Gin & Ryan will be in town for my 30th. Just a little heads-up in case another while passes without an update ;)

I want to post a.s.a.p., so photos will accompany shortly; do not let your heart be troubled.
Gin's lunch dates at Bayou City Seafood
Gin's lunch date at Barnaby's ... she steals!
AdalovesPappy ... and the whisk

ice cream sandwich at bathtime, wut?