Dylan passed the Louisiana bar exam! They posted results today. Dylan was anxiously checking the webpage's "passed" section because he desperately wanted to buy I-passed-the-bar-donuts for his office. I called his work number, and he didn't answer; I called his cell and asked, "Are you out buying donuts?" "Yeeeeess!" "Woohoo!!" =) And now we're in the clear to really make preparations for our move to New Orleans. Lease is signed for a shotgun house on Algiers Point! Whoa. Things are gettin' real.
It's a beautiful ANZAC Day today, and Adeline's 3month birthday, and cousin Ahlwan's 1-year birthday. When it's lovely, warm, and sunny out, it's pretty easy to think how precious and sweet the kiddos are. I mean, I know that they are precious; but Wednesday and Thursday of this week were grey and rainy, and it's a lot harder to see through the bleak to the sweet. Today, though, man -- they're angels ;). Yesterday, in actuality, was quite nice. All 3 of us were lying on the floor, Ada in the middle, and I read Edward the Emu, oh, 6 times in a row to us. Paul kept requesting "eemooo, eemooo", so I kept on going. And Ada looked at the big, simple illustrations, too! It was a really sweet half-hour or so. Then, in the evening, Paul was helping Papa in the kitchen as I was nursing Ada on the living room floor, and he would run in to us, kiss Ada's head, pat my hair, then run back to Papa. Gah. Cute attack.
We've kept Easter on our minds this week via extra treats after dinner, and Paul likes to read The Tale of the Three Trees with me - he has his abridged, board book kids' copy while I have the big-person copy. We want to do something special for the Sunday dinners during Eastertide, but now all of a sudden there's so much to celebrate: dinner out tonight for the Bar, and this Sunday JPII and Pope John XXIII will be canonized! Wow! We'll have kielbasa & gelato to celebrate - yum.